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Live in a condominium

As a holder of a tenant-ownership in a tenant-owner association, you are a member of an economic association. The association's task is to provide housing for its members indefinitely. As a tenant-owner, you do not own your apartment, but the association owns the entire property. However, you have the right, as a member of the association and tenant-owners, to use the apartment freely.


You have the right to make certain changes to the apartment. To ensure that the change can be made without damaging the property, or that changes are made that can not be allowed for various reasons, permission from the association is always required. Application for a permit is made by filling in the form "Application for rebuilding / renovation" which can be downloaded under forms on the document tab. There are also the forms "Declaration regarding waterproofing layer" and "Appendix to Declaration regarding waterproofing layer". The forms are also available at the expedition on Mårdstigen 1. The application is then submitted to the Expedition and processed by our technical manager.

Living in an apartment also means taking others into account. Code of conduct we have jointly agreed on can be found here:  Code of conduct (English)


A sublease is when someone other than yourself uses the apartment independently. This also applies if you lend the apartment to someone in the immediate family circle.  

To sublet, you must have the board's consent and submit your written application to the office at Mårdstigen 1.

PLEASE NOTE that BRF Bergshamra charges a fee for subletting. This is 10% of the price base amount (for 2020 10% of 47300 = SEK 4730 / year) per year. If an apartment is rented for part of a year, the maximum permitted fee is calculated according to the number of calendar months that the apartment is rented.  You can find the Application Form here!

The application must state why the apartment is to be rented out, to whom it is to be rented out and for how long it is to be rented out.

The Board's decision is notified to you in writing. In the event of a rejection of the application, you have the right to appeal the board's decision to the Rental Board.

The person who sublets your condominium becomes your tenant. The provisions of the Rent Act apply and the board recommends that you have a written rental agreement. It is important that you inform your tenant about the rules that apply in the association.

If you rent out the apartment without the board's approval, you risk forfeiting the right to use the apartment. The association then has the right to dismiss you for eviction.

You have the right to sublet if there are such reasons as:

  • studies or work elsewhere,

  • longer stay in a care facility,

  • military service,

  • probationary living with partner 

  • special family relationships

  • or other comparable reasons.

Do not forget that, at least four weeks before the rental expires, submit a new application if there are special reasons, or report a relocation.​


You decide for yourself when it's time to repaint, change the stove, lay a new floor, paint and wallpaper or otherwise refresh the apartment.

But you must ask the board for permission when it comes to:
- interventions in a load-bearing structure,
- change of existing lines for sewage, heating, ventilation or water, other significant change to the apartment.

Complete the Remodeling Application if you want to make a significant change.
Some interventions also require a building permit or building notification.


All windows have a heat-absorbing sun protection film on the inside of the outer window. This means that you should only use soft cloths when washing this side. If a scraper is used, it may scratch the film.


When replacing the front door, it must be mahogany-coloured. Permission is sought through a form to the board and handed over to the expedition. There are some interior doors that members can pick up. Contact our vice host office if you want one.

Basement storage

Each apartment has access to a large basement storage room and a small food storage room.

In the association there are a number of extra storage rooms for rent.
The rent for a storage room without electricity and heating is SEK 375 (2023) per square meter/year.
For other types, the rent is SEK 475 (2023) per square meter/year.
If you are interested in renting extra storage, send an email to the board.
Right now, however, all the warehouses are occupied.


It is very important that the food stored in our cellars is tightly sealed, it reduces the risk of pests in our buildings. Please note that the basements are not moisture-proof. Therefore, do not store anything in the basement that can be damaged by moisture, especially not directly on the concrete.

The association room

The association room in the basement on Björnstigen 2 can be rented by the members for their own activities such as children's parties etc. for a cost of SEK 300.

The room is managed and booked via the well-being group, see  BOOKING CALENDAR  to find free days and times.

When you have found a free date or time, book this by sending an email to

The Hobby room

There is a hobby room that you can borrow for smaller carpentry and painting projects. There you have access to a carpenter's bench, electricity and a small sink. You bring your own tools and all other things you need. The room is managed and booked via the well-being group by sending an email to, see also Trivselgruppen.

Fire protection

Fire protection is of the utmost importance, especially in an apartment building.
It is very important that all members read and follow the recommendations contained in the following information sheet: Fire protection Apartment buildings

External environment

In our area we have five playgrounds. They were renovated in 2005 so that the children will continue to have a good and safe play environment. The sand on the playgrounds was changed in 2013.


In each playground there is a wooden thigh that is for storing toys. Make sure that all toys are put back in the wooden thighs when you leave the playground.


Around the farms there are also places with tables and grills. These grills have been purchased by the association for our members. Remember to leave the patio as you wish to find it and make sure that the embers are extinguished.


The association has approximately 230 parking spaces for rent to members. Of these, approx. 25 are in the warm garage on Ekorrstigen, 135 are regular outdoor spaces, 55 outdoor sites equipped with electrical outlets for engine heaters, 10 outdoor sites equipped with charging boxes from InCharge. In addition to these, there are a few MC spaces, outdoors and in the garage.


There are also four public charging points at Ekorrstigen 2, behind the pizzeria opposite the property maintenance office.

Here is a map of the parking lots.

The fee for our parking spaces is increased at each turn of the year with the consumer price index for the previous year.

The prices for the various parking spaces are as follows:


Car 2024 Garage SEK 1032/month Outdoors SEK 546/month Engine heater SEK 728/month incl. electricity. Charging station SEK 911/month excl. Motorbike Garage SEK 413/month Outdoors SEK 285/month For parking spaces in garages, a deposit fee of SEK 1,000 per garage key is added, which is refunded in connection with return. ​

Car                                2024   

  • Garage                   1032  SEK / month

  • Outdoors                 546  SEK / month

  • Engine heater         728  SEK / month incl. Electricity.

  • Charging space       911  SEK / month excl. Electricity.


  • Garage                     413  SEK / month

  • Outdoors                 285  SEK / month


Guest parking is available at the bottom of Lostigen along the Bergshamraleden. Cost SEK 7 / h and SEK 70 / day.

The fee is paid via SMS or via the app "Mobilepark".

For information about possible queues and contract management, contact SBC's customer service.

Laundry rooms

Book the desired washing time by locking your cylinder on the board in the door for the specified time.  You can park the cylinder at the bottom of the board when you are not washing or do not want to book a new appointment.

  • Book a time for a wash session on the booking board by locking the cylinder at the desired time and starting the session no later than 30 minutes after the specified time. After 30 minutes, the passport may be used by another member.

  • Use the correct amount of detergent as recommended by the manufacturer and place detergent and any fabric softener in the correct compartment.

  • Use a laundry bag when washing a underwire bra.

  • You can use the dryer and the drying cabinet 30 minutes after the end of the session.

  • Clean the lint filter in the dryer after each session and in the drying cabinet when the red light is on.

  • Sweep the floor and wipe off machines and other surfaces after the session and wet dry the floor if you have the evening session.

  • Remove your cylinder after the wash or book a new appointment.

Error report

In the event of a fault in the cylinder, booking board, machines or in the event of a leak of water, write a fault report.

In the event of a leak of water on weekends / evenings, the emergency service is contacted on 08 657 77 22

Loss of cylinder

For a new cylinder, SEK 300 is charged through contact with SBC's customer service, read more here.

Garbage disposal

A mobile recycling center is available at regular intervals on Ekorrstigen 2. Here you can, among other things, leave hazardous waste, textiles and bulky waste. You can also donate smaller items for recycling. It is not possible to leave white goods, pressure impregnated wood and garden waste. For more information see:

Household rubbish

On our farms there are a number of garbage stations where you can throw household garbage and food waste.


The food waste is sorted into brown bags, specially designed for the purpose, which are also collected at the expedition or from tin places that are set up outside each laundry room.  If you want to read more about what counts as food waste, you can visit Solna City's website.

We have had problems with birds and rats at our garbage stations on the farms because containers become overcrowded and can not be closed. Therefore, make sure that you throw your household rubbish in a bin where there is room.

Recycling station

On Ekorrstigen, behind the pizzeria, is a recycling station for packaging recycling. Paper packaging, hard and soft plastic, metal, glass and clothes are thrown away.

Environmentally hazardous waste

Environmentally hazardous waste is disposed of at OKQ8. Ask for the key inside the store.

Bergshamra och våra hus

Den första bebyggelsen i den nya stadsdelen Bergshamra blev, efter en arkitekttävling, dessa s.k. stjärnhus, ritade av arkitekterna Sven Backström och Leif Reinius. De tillhörde de mest anlitade bostadsplanerama i landet, och stjärnhuset – där tre huskroppar utgår från ett trapphus – är deras skapelse. Husen byggdes mellan 1953 och 1955.


Planlösningen gör att alla lägenheter får ljus från minst två håll. Hustypen fogas ofta ihop till kedjor som mjukt följer terrängen. Husen har fasader i huvudsakligen grå spritputs med inslag av färgade partier och med breda vita eller gula fönsteromfattningar. Gårdarna var en viktig del av bostadsområdet. De skulle vara stora och lummiga och avskärmade från trafikstråken.


Trädgårdsarkitekten Walter Bauer har här tillvaratagit områdets karaktär genom att utnyttja terrängen och spara naturinslag som tallar och klippor.

Kulturhistorisk miljö


Våra hus är grönmarkerade enligt Stockholms Stadsmuseums klassningssystem för kulturhistoriska byggnader och miljöer.

Solna Stad använder samma system och har klassat Stjärnhusområdet i Bergshamra i grön klass, det vill säga

”Särskilt värdefull” (8 kap. 13§ PBL). Det innebär att byggnaderna har skydd genom den kommunala detaljplanen.

Läs vidare i dokumentet.

Bergshamra and our houses

The first buildings in the new Bergshamra district became, after an architectural competition, these so-called star houses,
designed by architects Sven Backström and Leif Reinius. They were among the most employed residential planners in
the country, and the star houses – where three house bodies start from a stairwell – is their creation.

The houses were built between 1953 and 1955.


The layout ensures that all apartments receive light from at least two directions. The house type is often joined together
to form chains that gently follow the terrain. The houses have facades in mainly gray spirit plaster with elements of colored
parts and with wide white or yellow window frames. The green areas were an important part of the residential area.
They would be large and leafy and screened off from the traffic lane.


Garden architect Walter Bauer has taken advantage of the area's character here by making use of the terrain and saving natural features such as pines and rocks.


History of our houses

The following are excerpts from documents from Solna City's archives and building committee and architecture museum.


The land in Bergshamra was owned by the state until the mid-1940s, when the city of Solna began planning for a new district.

An architectural competition was announced in 1947 to which six entries were submitted. In July 1948, the proposal

"Arabesque" was crowned the winner, submitted by Backström and Reinius. The proposal contained both star houses,

single-family houses and a new thoroughfare, basically the current Björnstigen.

The winning architects Backström and Reinius were allowed to participate in the design of the final urban planning. The proposal was presented on December 16, 1948. The city plan for the area was approved by the King on October 13, 1950. After some changes, including the addition of the garage building with the central boiler, the city council in Solna adopted the city plan on October 27, 1952. On December 9, 1952, the Stockholm Land Office determines the final plan on behalf of the county board.

The client for the entire area was HSB in Solna and the building designer was HSB in Stockholm.

Kv Mörten, Lostigen 32-40

Byggfirmor: Åke Sundvall i Stockholm, Berntsson & Co i Hagalund

Arkitekt: HSB

Byggnadslov: godkändes 21 september 1953

Grundschakt: påbörjas i december 1952

Stommen: uppförs 21 april till 15 september 1953

Kv Abborren, Mårdstigen 2-16, Lostigen 1-3

Byggfirmor: Åke Sundvall i Stockholm, AB Värme & Sanitetskompaniet

Arkitekt: Backström och Reinius

Byggnadslov: godkändes 31 augusti 1954

Grundschakt: påbörjas 19 februari 1953

Stommen: uppförs 1 april till 21 augusti 1953

Kv Ålen, Mårdstigen 1-25

Byggfirmor: Gumpel & Bengtson AB, Berntsson & Co i Hagalund

Arkitekt: HSB

Byggnadslov: godkändes 6 april 1955

Grundschakt: påbörjas 10 jan 1953

Stombesiktning: 29 september 1954

Kv Laxen, Lostigen 2-30

Byggfirmor: Henry Weimer Byggnads AB, AB Värme & Sanitetskompaniet

Arkitekt: Backström och Reinius

Byggnadslov: godkändes 2 november 1954

Grundschakt: påbörjas 25 februari 1954

Stombesiktning: 4 oktober 1954



The immediate area Bergshamra center is a stone's throw from Brf Bergshamra. In the center there are facilities such as a library,

grocery stores, dry cleaning, key service, etc. On the Bergshamra för alla web-page you will find, among other things,

current events, Bergshamra's history and attractions. ​


Just north of Bergshamra center there is an outdoor pool and Bergshamra sports field.


To the northwest from our houses, you come to Ulriksdal castle and Confidensen. There are nice walking paths and swimming

opportunities. A little further away is Ulriksdals Trädgård. ​


At the northern end of Brunnsviken you will find Kafé Sjöstugan and Brunnsvikens Trädgård.

Yttre miljö
Bo i en BRF
Våra hus
Områdets historia
Kulturhistorisk miljö
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